Lisa eating with cupcake image

Emotional Eating - Part 1

April 07, 20232 min read

Emotional Eating (part 1):

I'm calling this part 1 as I assume it will not be the first or last post I put out on this topic!

Here are 3 ways to unpack, understand and apply new strategies to your emotional eating journey:


When we are born we are innately driven to seek food for comfort. We enter the world crying and are soothed with milk for a warm comforting source. Pure Love ❤️

As children this is REINFORCED! Have you ever been rewarded with food? Given a lollypop at the GP, given an ice-cream for passing grades in school? Has food been used to negotiate your behaviour? Behave for sweets, misbehave you won't get them?

These subconsciously make a HUGE impact in our relationship with food as adults.


Reflect on YOUR experiences in childhood - what food rules did you have to adhere to and how does this sit with you now?

Dig deeper on this one with me using my FREE emotional eating mindset HACK 11 page workbook! click to download!


Create a toolkit of alternative COPING STRATEGIES (aka Self Care!)

My Self Care Checklist

Build a toolkit of coping strategies to help you next time you would like to FEEL and PROCCESS an emotion, not just NUMB IT!

**NOTE! Sometimes the only thing for it is a TimTam or litre of ice cream! The goal here is not to eliminate emotional eating - that would be wildly unrealistic. The idea is to EXPLORE YOUR RELATIONSHIP with food & make choices YOU are comfortable with ❤️

When building your toolkit ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I being compassionate with myself right now?

  • How can I validate this emotion?

  • Am I ready to FEEL this and hold space for this core emotion that has surfaced?

  • How can I HONOUR this emotion?

  • What self-care can I do to make me FEEL GOOD ABOUT ME!

Loving this topic as much as me? Check out my Emotional Eating & Self Care Mini Course! **Note this is already included in the Masterclass

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