Lisa O'Loughlin Counselling

- Emotional Eating Pocket Coach -

Your Portable Companion to Break Free from Emotional Eating

Transform Your Relationship with Food: In The Moments You Need It Most! A 'Done For You' Toolkit To Use Anywhere Anytime Emotional Eating Starts To Takehold.

Does this sound like you?

• Night eating/ boredom eating / lonely/ stressed/ just filling in 'me time' eating?

•Struggle to remember all logic in the moment of cravings.

• Succumb to impulsive eating, unable to make mindful choices.

• Frustration with weight changes as a result of emotional eating

• Self soothing with food leading to feelings of guilt & shame - only perpetuating more comfort eating to soothe those feelings!

What if things could be different?

How amazing would it be if you had a tool to regain control right in the crux of the moment?

Discussing tools for emotional eating in therapy or with your dietitian is great but what about when the moment strikes! You've hard a tough day, you finally get some alone time & start reaching for the snacks... That's the moment you need the support.

What if instead of mindlessly eating on autopilot you actually gave yourself permission to enjoy it?

So often in periods of emotional eating we don't even notice what's been knocked back let alone take the time out to actually savour it & really bloody enjoy it. If your going to eat for comfort, learn to give yourself permission to have that experience, guilt free!

Can you imagine yourself feeling calm, grounded and able to address the root cause of the cravings?

How transformational would it be to have the ability to safely feel your emotions, process them and come away feeling better for it. What impact would it make to your day, you year, your life if you were able to conquer emotional eating from the root cause up, .

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

The number one phrase I have heard from clients over the past decade is: "If only I had you're voice in my head at the time, if only I remembered our discussions in the moment".

Well now you can! I have taken on your feedback and created a done for you toolkit you can use in the moments you need it most. Emotional eating is something that tends to take hold in the most solitude of moments, when we are at our most vulnerable, most in need of support.

These digital tools will be accessible via your mobile phone, anywhere any time. Heading out for a 4pm pick me up to the drive through? 9pm and only just finally got the kids down to sleep? Midnight munchies? This toolkit will guide you through those moments, empowering you to take value aligned action!

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Emotional Eating Pocket Coach!

Its all about feeling supported and having the right tools in the moment, when we open ourselves up to new ways of doing things our lives can radically change. Emotional eating doesn't happen in therapy - its something that we talk about after the fact. By that stage you feel the damage is done, the food has been eaten, guilt & shame have crept in and that's when you pick up the phone to talk to me to work through it. But it doesn't have to be that way, not anymore. I want to be there for you right in the moment to prevent those feelings of guilt & shame ever appearing. I want to help you break the patterns of eating out of boredom, loneliness, stress. Its time for you to really tap into the root causes of emotional eating and have me support you and guide you through it, even if its 3am!

Here’s what you’ll get when you buy/join:


Guided Meditation

Connect with your inner strength through my specially crafted guided meditation. Learn to embrace your emotions without turning to food for comfort. This meditation sets the foundation for a positive mindset and empowers you to face life's challenges with resilience.


Decision Making Tree

Say goodbye to impulsive decisions with my emotional eating Decision Making Tree. This visual guide provides a roadmap for making informed choices when faced with the temptation of emotional eating. Regain control over your actions and make decisions that align with your vision of health.


Food & Mood Chart

A food and mood chart promotes awareness of eating patterns and emotional triggers. Sometimes correlations between show up in the most unsuspected of places. Using a food & mood chart can help you work through subconscious food choices, empowering you to regain control over cravings.


BONUS: Access to Emotional Eating From Masterclass

Have you wondered what it would look like to work on emotional eating through therapy? Well - I have recorded just that! Access a video of me engaging with you exactly as I would in a counselling session on the topic of emotional eating, plus a supportive workbook to understand your subconscious drivers and transform your habits, starting today.


BONUS: Access to Self Care from Masterclass

Further to understanding emotional eating is knowing what to do to combat it! Access to this video of me guiding you through my counselling techniques just as I would if we were face to face in a therapy room. Self-Care is something I preach in sessions for good reason -results! Emotional eating is really just a coping strategy - in this video and workbook I walk through how you can create long lasting change.

Limited time only!

Instant access for just $27

"The feedback I receive from patients I refer to Lisa is outstanding. This is not surprising considering she is a highly professional and empathetic practitioner. Lisa has helped a number of my clients to identify eating triggers and develop strategies to manage cravings and negative self talk. She makes it easier for you to prioritise your mental health through her online platforms. I highly recommend Lisa's Emotional Eating Pocket Coach to anyone looking for a flexible and accessible way to improve their relationship with food"

— Julie Hennessy

“Thank you offering this kind of thing online. I am a uni student & get discount student counselling at RMIT. I have a great counsellor there at a fraction of the cost of seeing a bariatric specialist but he has no idea about my bariatric surgery related issues. I have found this useful as I can do the worksheets and discuss them with him alongside the other stuff we are working on together. I am studying psychology and hope to help other bariatric patients one day too and I love the digital aspect you have created."

— Client Testimonial

"Lisa has created a unique program specifically with bariatric patients in mind which is very refreshing and needed in this field. The reaction we have received from patients who are engaging with Lisa's online platform has been wonderful. Many of them struggled with emotional eating and weight plateaus that hindered their progress. After completing the program, they are presenting with the confidence that equips them with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate their weight loss journey. I strongly support this program for bariatric patients at any stage of surgery".

— Yvonne Slater

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working through this. We are in it together. Sometimes we have subconscious blocks that go far beyond Cognitive Behavioural Therapy worksheets if you need to talk - I'm here for you. Please do not hesitate to contact me.

© Copyright Lisa O'Loughlin Counselling.