Word of the year

Word of the year

February 28, 20232 min read

“We become what we want to be by CONSISTENTLY being what we want to become each day.” - Richard G. Scott

Do you have your word for 2023?:

A word of the year is a highly effective tool I use with my clients to keep our focus at the forefront of our minds. It's never too late to make one, it's always a good time to check in with it.

With that said, here are 3 reasons why you should have a word of the year!

1. NYE Resolutions don't work

They are often too grand, too far in advance and generally unattainable. If you are anything like me, they have usually fallen off the wayside by January 2nd 😂

2. Focus on what you're bringing IN

Often goals involve cutting things out in order to make change. This is not the ideal mindset for long term success, we start to feel restricted, resentful, and eventually this is what leads to 'giving up' if we cannot stick with it. Ask yourself daily how can I bring this IN to my life.

Example: If your word was HEALTH instead of thinking I need to CUT OUT chocolate (which let's face it is never going to be sustainable long term / leads to feelings of failure once chocolate is consumed / gives up on goal of health / guilt shame cycle kicks in)

REFRAME: How do I get the HEALTH IN! Where is there opportunity to bring health into my day, could I add a vegetable to my lunch, could I do some stretching. The more you focus on bringing your word IN the easier it becomes & the things you wanted out start to slide as a natural side effect of bringing the opposite IN.

3. Check in with your word regularly

We often create our word in January but key is to keep checking in with it REGULARLY. Monthly, daily! Keep it in your focus. Think about how you can apply it to all aspects of your life. This way it is not forgotten, easy to stick with & long term change becomes easy.

MY WORD FOR 2023...

Word of the year CONSISTENCY

Yes I created it in FEB, got around to sharing it in MARCH! Because still human 🙋 Juggling life, trying my best for CONSISTENCY. You all can help keep me accountable 😘

Choosing your word of the year:

  • Set some time aside where you have peace & quiet to reflect

  • brainstorm all the words that come to mind

  • Use your photo reel or online platforms for inspiration

  • connect to a feeling

  • Narrow down to just one word to anchor your year

Please share your word with me! Reach out on Instagram, YouTube or on my blog ❤️

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