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Getting the health IN

August 29, 20245 min read

What is your version of healthy AND where are you getting it IN?!

So here's a post I started about a year ago & just dusted it off from draft mode...

It's pretty rustic & clearly I lose my train of thought at one stage - I think the whole thing pivots from my original point but luckily in hindsight I remember the original point so I will mention that & blog about it now:

Where are you getting the health IN?!

If you have lived in diet land you will be all too familiar with cutting foods out. This model of deprivation & restriction is horrible so I propose you ask yourself - where can I bring my health into my day, where can I add it. For many of us, the idea of a "healthy lifestyle" has often been tied to diet culture, restriction, and a constant pursuit of a thinner body. But what if health could be about more than the number on the scale? What if it could be about feeling good, finding joy in movement, and nurturing a positive relationship with food?

Unpack this with me:

1. What Does a Healthy, Active Lifestyle Mean to You?

The first step in this journey is to let go of old definitions of health that may have been tied to restrictive diets, rigid exercise routines, or the pressure to look a certain way. A healthy, active lifestyle should be about what makes you feel good—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Ask yourself: What does health mean to me? Is it about having more energy to play with your kids? Is it finding peace with food and eating without guilt? Maybe it’s about moving your body in ways that you enjoy, rather than punishing it for what you ate.

There’s no wrong answer here. Your version of health is yours to define.

2. Identifying Your Health Priorities

Once you’ve redefined health on your terms, the next step is identifying what aspects of health are most important to you. Maybe you want to focus on gentle movement that you enjoy, like walking, yoga, or dancing. Perhaps you want to learn to listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, or practice mindfulness to reduce stress.

Write down a few things that come to mind when you think about feeling healthy and well. Remember, this isn’t about setting goals that revolve around weight loss or perfection. It’s about identifying what truly makes you feel good and how you can nurture that feeling.

3. Finding Ways to Integrate Health into Your Day

Once you know what health means to you, it’s time to bring that vision into your daily life. Start small and focus on consistency rather than drastic changes. Here are a few ideas:

  • Morning Moments of Peace: Begin your day with a few minutes of mindfulness or a short stretch. This sets a positive tone for the day and helps you connect with your body.

  • Mindful Eating: Focus on eating meals and snacks that satisfy and nourish you. Give yourself permission to eat the foods you love without guilt. Pay attention to how different foods make you feel, and allow that awareness to guide your choices.

  • Joyful Movement: Find ways to move your body that feel joyful and natural. This might be a walk in nature, a dance session in your living room, or a gentle yoga class. The goal is to move because it feels good, not because you feel you have to.

  • Evening Wind-Down: End your day with activities that help you relax and unwind, such as reading, journaling, or a warm bath. This can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

  • Get Specific: Once you get really clear about what your version of healthy looks like - if that means walking - where can you get a walk in today? If it means increasing your veggies - where can you add a vegetable to your meals today?

4. Overcoming Barriers to a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s normal to face challenges when trying to integrate new habits into your life. You might feel pressed for time, struggle with motivation, or be unsure of where to start. The key is to approach these barriers with compassion.

If time is an issue, look for small pockets in your day where you can incorporate healthy habits. If motivation is low, remind yourself that it’s okay to start small. Even a 5-minute walk or a single mindful meal can make a difference. And if you feel overwhelmed, remember that health isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress.

5. Celebrating Progress and Adjusting Your Approach

As you begin to make these changes, take time to celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem. Healing your relationship with food and your body is a journey, and every step forward is worth acknowledging.

Check in with yourself regularly. Are the habits you’re building making you feel better? If not, don’t be afraid to adjust your approach. Your health journey should be flexible and adapt to your needs as they evolve.


Redefining what health means to you and finding ways to bring that health into your day is a powerful step toward healing your relationship with food and your body. Remember, this journey is about nurturing yourself in a way that feels good and sustainable. Start today by making one small change that aligns with your new vision of health, and see how it transforms not just your day, but your entire week / month / year...!

You deserve to feel good in your body—on your terms.

Its also SO much easier to hold yourself accountable to YOU!

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